Type CZ

C12 C13 C14 C15 C23 etc..
AIFO BAUDOUIN CLAAS DORMAN HONDA JIANGHUAI LEXUS MAYBACH OPEL RABA SEAT UNIMOG BUGATTI ALFA-ROMEO BELARUS CUMMINS DRESSER HOWO JOHN DEERE LIEBHERR MAZDA OTOSAN RENAULT SKODA VALMET GEELY ALLIS-CHALMERS BENTLEY DACIA FERRARI HYUNDAI K.H.DEUTZ LINDE MERCEDES BENZ PEGASO ROLLS ROYCE SMART VAUXHALL LEXUS ALSTOM BMW DAEWOO FIAT I.H. DRESSER KELVIN DIESEL LISTER-PETTER MERCEDES LKW PERKINS RUSTON DIESEL SSANGYONG VM RAM ANDORIA BUICK DAF FIAT-ALLIS ISUZU KIA LOTUS MG PERLINI S.A.C.M. SSCM VOLKSWAGEN HIDROMEK ARO CASE DAIMLER BENZ FINCANTIERI IVECO KIRLOSKAR M.T.U. MINI PEUGEOT SAAB STEYR VOLVO ROVER ASIA CATERPILLAR DDC-MTU FORD J.I.CASE KOBELCO M.W.M. MITSUBISHI PIAGGIO SACM SUBARU VOLVO PENTA DB ASTRA CHEVROLET DETROIT DIESEL GARDNER JAGUAR KOMATSU MACK NAVISTAR PLYMOUTH SAIC SUZUKI WAUKESHA VAUXHAL UDI CHRYSLER DODGE HINO JCB LANCIA MAN NEW HOLLAND PONTIAC SAMSUNG TATA WHITE  AUSTIN ROVER CITROEN DONGFENG HITACHI JEEP LAND ROVER MASERATI NISSAN PORSCHE SCANIA TOYOTA INFINITI 67X AAD Abadal Abarth ABC Aberdonia AC Cars AC Propulsion Acadian Adam Motor Company, Ltd. Adams ADK Adler Aero Aeromobil Agrale AIL Aixam-Mega Ajax Ajax AJS Al Araba Company Alatac Albion Ales Alesbury Alfa Romeo Automobiles Allard Alldays Alma Almac ALP Alpha Sports Alpine Alta Alta Alteliers Germain Alternative Cars Limited Alvis AM General Ambassador AMC American American Underslung AMG Amherst Amilcar Amphicar Amuza Anasagasti Andino Andre Ansaldo Anteros Coachworks Antoine Anziel Nova Apal Apal Apollo Apperson AR aka ARCO Arab Arab American Vehicles Arash Argyll Ariel Arista Armstrong Siddeley Arnolt ARO Arola SARL Arrol-Johnston Artega Artega Automobil GmbH ASA Asahi Ascari Cars Ltd. ASL Aspa Aspidis Aster Aston Martin Astra Astra Asuna Aton Impulse ATS Attica Auburn Audi Aurica Motors Austin Australian Motor Industries Australian Six Authi Autobianchi Autobleu Autocars Co. Ltd. Autokinitoviomihania Ellados Automeccanica Auto-Union Autovia Auverland Avanti Avia AvtoVAZ AvtoZAZ AWZ-Zwickau AZLK B Engineering B+B BAC Balaton Ballot Bandini Automobili Basil Green Motors Batten Bavarian Auto Group BAW Beattie Beiqi Belga Rise Belkommunmash Belsize Bentley Berkeley Bernardini Bertone Biotechnia Ellinikon Trikyklon Birchfield Motor Company Birkin Birrana Bitter Bizzarrini Bjering BMW Bollée Bolloré Bolwell Bond Borgward Bourassa Brasinca Brennabor-Werke Brewster Bricklin SV-1 Brilliance Auto Group Brisco Bristol British Salmson Brock Motors Brooke Brooks Steam Motors Brough Superior Brush Brütsch BSA Bucciali Buckle Motors Buckler Buddy Bufori Bugatti Buick Motor Division Bulant Bulgaralpine Bullet Burton BUS BXR BYD Cadillac Calthorpe Cambli International Thunder 1 Campagna Corporation Canadian Motor Caparo Carroll Shelby Casalini Case Castagna Caterham Centenari Central Motor Co., Ltd CG Chadwick Champion Chandler Chang’an Automobile Group Changhe Chariot Motors Checker Cheetah Racing Chenard-Walcker Chery Automobile Co Chevrolet Chevron Engineering Specialties Chinkara Motors Chiribiri Chrysler Cisitalia Citroën Cizeta Clan Claveau Clinton CMC Colonial Motors Ltd Comet Commuter Compagnie Nationale Excelsior Connaught Continental Cooper Cord Costin Cottin-Desgouttes Covini Engineering Crossley CSC Csonka CT&T United Cunningham Custoca Dacia Dacon Dadi Auto Daewoo Motors DAF Dagmar Daihatsu Daimler Daimler Dakar Darracq Darracq Lago Dartz Motorz Company Datsun Dauer David Brown Automotive Davis Davrian Daytona Motors DB De Dietrich De Dion Bouton De Lorean De Soto De Tomaso De Wandre Deep Sanderson DeLaChapelle Delage Delahaye Delecroix Dellow Denzel Derby Derways Detroit Electric Devaux Pty Ltd Devon Motorworks DIM Motor Company Diana Diar Dinap Diva Dixi DKW DKW-Vemag DMC Dodge Dome Dominion Dongfeng Motor Corporation Donkervoort Automobielen BV Dort DR Motor Company Dragon DRB Du Pont Duesen Bayern Duesenberg Dufaux Duplex Durant Duryea Dutton Dürkopp Dynasty Electric Eagle Ecosse Edfor Edran Edsel EGA Egy-Tech Engineering Elcar Elcat Automotive Elfin Elva ELVO EMF Emme Emporiki Autokiniton Engesa Enterra Vipre Enzmann 506 ErAZ Eshelman Espenlaub Esther Eterniti Motors Etox Eurostar Automobilwerk GesmbH & Co. KG Everus (Li Nian) Exagon Engineering Excel Motors Limited Exelsior Fábrica Nacional de Motores Fabrique Nationale Facel Vega Fafnir Fageol Fairthorpe Falcon Motorsports Faralli and Mazzanti Farbio Farboud FAW Group Corporation FAW Tianjin FBS Fejes Felber Autoroller Ferrari Fiat Finlandia Fioravanti Firestone-Columbus Fisker Automotive, Inc Fitch Fleetwood-Knight Flint Force Motors Ford Ford Motor Company Fornasari Foton Motor Franklin Fraser Clubman Frisky Fuldamobil FYK GAC Changfeng Motor GAC Group GAIG Gardner Gareau Gaselle GAZor Geely Geijer & Co GEM General Motors Geo Ghabbour Group Ghia Giad Auto Gilbern Gillet Ginetta Giocattolo Motori Giottiline GKD GKN Glas GM GMC GN Gnome Goggomobil Goliath Gonow Gordon-Keeble Gräf & Stift Graham Grant Gray Gray-Dort Motors Great Wall Motors Company Limited Gregoire Grieve Griffith Grinnall Grofri Grupo Industrial Ramirez GSM GTA Motor Gumpert Gurgel Motores Gutbrod Guy Habib Motors Hafei HAIMA HAL Hammer Hanomag Hawtai Healey Heinkel Heinkel Kabine Heng Hennessey Heron Hertz Heuliez Highland Hillman Hindustan Motors Hino Hispano Argentina Hofstetter Turbo Holden Honda Motor Company Hongqi Hope Motor Company Horch Hotchkiss HRG HSV HTT Pléthore Huali Huayang Hudson Humber Hurtan Desarrollos S.L. Hurtu IAME IDA-Opel IFR Aspid IHI Corporation IKA IKCO Ilinga Imperia Automobiles Imperial Innocenti Intermeccanica Intermeccanica Invicta Iota IPML Irmscher Isatis Isdera Iso Isotta-Fraschini Isuzu Itala Italdesign IZh JAC Motors Jaguar JAWA JBA Motors Jeecy-Vea Jeep Jensen Motors Jiangling Motors Corporation Jiotto Jordan JOSS Jowett Jösse JPX do Brasil Ltda. Juwel Kaditcha Kaipan Kaiser Kantanka Karmann Karosa Keller Kewet Kia Motors Corporation Kieft Kish Khodro Kissel Kleinschnittger Knox Koenig Koenigsegg Korvensuu La Buire La Fayette La Salle Lada Lagonda Lamborghini Lammas-Graham Lanchester Lancia Land Rover LandFighter Laurin and Klement LDS Le Zebre Leader Lea-Francis Leblanc Ledl Leidart Léon Bollée LeRoy Lexington Lexus LIAZ Libelle Libyan Rocket Licorne Lida Buses Neman Lifan Lightning Ligier Lincoln Lister Litex Motors Lloyd LMX Lobini Locomobile Lola Lombard London Motors Lorraine Lorraine Dietrich Lotec Lotus Lozier LTI LuAZ Lucalia Clubman Lutzmann Luxgen Motor Co., Ltd. Magna Steyr Magna Steyr AG & Co KG Mahindra & Mahindra Mahindra Reva Electric Vehicles Maico Manic GT Marauder Marcos Engineering Marendaz Markranstädter Automobilfabrik Marlei Marmon Martin Martini Marussia Motors Maruti Suzuki India Maserati Mastretta Matra Matra Bonnet Matra-Simca Matra-Talbot Maudslay MAVA Maxwell Maybach Mazda MCC McLaren McLaughlin Carriage Company MCV MDI Mécanique Aviation Traction Meeussen Mega Melkus Mercedes-Benz Mercer Mercury Merkur Messerschmitt Métallurgique MG Motor Micro Cars Microcar Minerva Minetti Mini Mitchell Mitsubishi Mitsuoka Motors MK Sportscars Mobius Motors Mohs Momo Monica Monteverdi Moose Jaw Standard Morattab Moretti Morgan Motor Company Morris Motors Moskvitch Moskvitch Mosler Automotive Möve 101 MTX aka Metalex Muntz MVS MZKT N H Buchanan Motor Co NAG Nagant & Cie, Liège NAM NAMCO Nardi Nash Nasr National Navistar NAZ Nazzaro Neorion Netuar Nissan Motor Company Noble Norsk Automobil & Vagnfabrik AS Nota Sports and Racing NSU Nyayo Oakland Obvio ODA Ogle Ohta Jidosha Oka OKA Australia Oldsmobile OM Opel Opel India Orca Engineering Osca OSI Otomo Overland Österreichische Austro-Fiat Packard Pag Pagani Paige Pan-Car Panhard Panoz Panther Paramount Paterson Peel Peerless Pender-Hertel Pennsylvania Perana Performance Group Perodua Perry Peugeot PGO Automobiles Phantom Corsair Picchio Pieper Pierce-Arrow Pinguin Pininfarina Piontek Pipe Pirin-Fiat Playboy Plymouth Plymouth Polaris Industries Polarsun Automobile Pontiac Porsche PORTARO Praga PRB Premier Ltd Prince Motor Company Prodrive Proto Motors Proton Puch Puli Puma Purvis Eureka Pyeonghwa Motors Python Qoros Auto Co Qoros Auto Co Queen Qvale Radical Railton Ram Rambler Rapier Raymond Mays RCH Reliant Renault Renault Samsung Motors Revere Rickenbacker Riga Autobus Factory Riley Rimac Automobili Rinspeed Roamer Rocar Rochdale Rochet-Schneider Roewe Rolls-Royce Rootes Australia Rosenbauer Rossion Automotive Rossion Automotive Rover Company Ruf Automobile GmbH Rumpler Russell Motor Russo-Balt Ruston-Hornsby Saab SAIC Motor Corporation SAIPA Sainte Claire Saker Saleen Salmson San Storm Santa Matilde Saturn Saxon Sbarro Scania Scavas Scion Scott Scripps-Booth SEAT, S.A. Seoudi Group SG Automotive Group Shaanxi Automobile Group Shamrock Shanghai Maple Guorun Automobile Co Sheffield-Simplex Shelby Shrike Shuanghuan Auto Siam Di Tella Siata Sichuan Tengzhong Simca Simca do Brasil Simca Vedette Singer Sisu Auto Skoda Auto Smart SML Isuzu Sofia SOMACA Soueast Southern Cross Sovam SPA Spadaconcept Spectre Speranza Motors, Ltd Spetsteh Springuel Spyker N.V. Squire SRT SsangYong Motor Company SSC North America Sta Milde Standard Stanley Stearns Knight Stephens Steyr Stoewer Strathcarron Studebaker Studebaker of Canada Ltd Stutz Suminoe Sunbeam Superformance Suzuki Motor Corporation Swallow Doretti Talbot Tamplin Tara International Tarrant Automobile Tata Motor Tatra Tauro Sport Auto TAZ Tchaika Tecnologia Automotiva Catarinense Temperino Tesla Th. Schneider Thai Rung Thames The Knight XV The Roo Motor Theologou Think Global Timmis Motor Company TMC Costin Tofaş Tommykaira Tornado Toyota Motor Corporation Trabant Trackson Tracta Tramontana Trekka TREKOL Treser Trevethan Trident Cars Ltd Triking Triumph Motor Company Trojan Troll Troller Tsukuba Tucker Turcat-Méry Turner Tushek & Spigel Supercars GmbH TVR Twombly UAZ Ukrainian Automobile Corporation JSC Ultima Sports Ltd. UMM Unic Unicar Unipower Vaillante Vale Valmet Automotive VAM Van Hool NV Vanden Plas Vandenbrink Vauxhall Vauxhall Motors VDL Nedcar Vector Motors Corporation Vegantune Velie Vemac Vencer Venturi Venturi Vermorel Vernon-Derby Vespa Victoria Vignale Vinci Vivinus Voisin Volga Volkswagen Volvo W Motors Wallyscar Waltham Wanderer Warren-Lambert Wartburg Warwick Wendax Westfield Sportscar Wiesmann Wiima Wills Willys Willys-Overland Winnipeg Wolseley Woodill Xinkai Yamaha Yes! Yo-Mobil Youngman Yue Lo0ng Yutong Zagato Zagross Khodro Zastava Special Vehicles ZAZor Zaporizhia Automobile Building Plant Zbrojovka Brno Zédel Zender Zeta Zhonghua ZIS ZiL Zimmer Zotye Auto Zundapp Zust ZX Auto Etc….
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